Pynchon interviewed in Playboy Japan re 9-11

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Dec 19 00:15:39 CST 2001

>From: "Phil Wise" <philwise at>
>I don't get this.  We're talking about a guy that takes years and years to 
>write his (very complex) novels, and who rarely gives quotes to the media.  
>Is it not possible that he's a deep thinker who finds it very hard to give  
>immediate answers to verbal questions because he knows that they sound glib 
>  and don't capture what he wants to say very well?

This possibility is VERY (in fact it is our great hope) possible, but then 
one must ask WHY he is now so (glibly) speaking.  His "Mind of Watts" essay 
makes these quotes flushable.

Just ask me why.

David Morris

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