Pynchon interviewed in Playboy Japan re 9-11

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Wed Dec 19 12:14:43 CST 2001

Arthur's view of how to read the Times is the same as mine. I'd like to
emphasize the amount of time the Times can take up. A complete read would be
a full time job for anyone.

Because of the current discussions I watched CNN for a while this morning.
It's mostly pure filler on a day like today but there was one interesting
story. A French Canadian board game maker has thought up a game with a name
something like "Get Bin Laden." Some computer graphics expert has developed
a number of different looking looks the underlying  physiognomy of the man
could assume if he were trying to elude capture. I guess the object is to
outwit the evil one.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur Chesterfield" <a_chesterfield at>
To: "Paul Mackin" <paul.mackin at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Pynchon interviewed in Playboy Japan re 9-11

> --- Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at> wrote:
> > I think even us "warmongers" are apt to welcome
> > deflation of the get
> > bin Laden mania President Bush likes to talk about
> > so heatedly.
> Yeah,  well speaking for the average dude who still
> reads the NYT we have  always known this was just
> spin. Like get the shoe shine boy in Iraq, but we
> never got him,  or get the the guy in Solmalia but we
> never did, or get the Lybian guy, or the bad guy in
> Cambodia, or in Chile, or in Mexico, or that PLO, IRA,
> BAMF, black guy, tough guy, bad guy.  It's comic book.
>  Bush knows it, the press knows it, the average dude
> knows it too. Of course some people take it to mean
> that we are all living in China,  but they are not
> serious people they just think very little of us
> average dudes cause they are riding a swell in their
> own skulls.
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