U.S.S. Badass

Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Mon Jan 8 10:59:27 CST 2001


"They call it the DD-21 destroyer: an electric- powered stealth ship 
designed to attack enemies hundreds of miles inland from any of the 
world's oceans as well as fight at sea. It will carry more Tomahawk 
cruise missiles and bigger guns than any destroyer in existence, yet 
will need fewer than a third as many sailors and cost less to 
operate, say its advocates, who include the secretary of the Navy, 
Richard Danzig, and leading members of Congress. [snip] "It feels to 
me like the Navy is still feeling around for a mission when they 
really don't have an enemy to face," said Eugene Carroll, a retired 
rear admiral who is vice president of the Center for Defense 
Information, a nonprofit Pentagon watchdog group.  [snip] Propelled 
by electric engines, it would be quieter than existing ships. It 
would also have a narrower inverted-V hull designed to avoid 
detection by radar or sonar."

.....Downsizing Death, I suppose, eliminating the need for all those 
jolly jack tars.
d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <http://www.online-journalist.com>

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