pynchon-l-digest V2 #1616

Doug Millison millison at
Mon Jan 22 23:27:38 CST 2001

rj/jbor: "A question: Can both these interpretations co-exist?"

Why not? It's impossible to hold two mutually exclusive concepts in 
mind simultaneously?  If that's only possible, at the individual 
level, in the sort of Hindoo experience like Pynchon gives the 
Rev'd., say,, or one of those mind-bustin' Zen koans, or something 
equally foreign to the Western mind, is it impossible for two (or 
more) literary critics to hold different points of view? Wildly 
varying interpretations of Pynchon's books certainly co-exist in the 
critical literature -- in email discussion groups as well:  "the 
Holocaust is central to GR" (you know who) and "the Holocaust is not 
represented in GR" (you know who, too) -- covering not only 
mutually-exclusive extremes, but the middle ground in between.

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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