
Job 28 lycidas2 at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 12 19:17:50 CDT 2001

see Joel D. Black's "Probing a Post-Romantic Paleontology:
Thomas Pynchon's GR" 

Boundary 2 *:2 1980 Winter p229

I've mentioned this essay before, Eddins makes judicious use
of Black, but...recent discussions....

Also, in the new M&D critical essays volume, there is an
essay on the enlightenment that 
ties back to the Slow Learner stories. It's called Dim
Enlightenment or some such, very good. 

PS on Swift and Norman O. Brown and Pynchon, see Brown and
then Wolfley, Lawrence
PMLA 92:5 1977  Oct p873

Of course in the archives, there I posted an Introduction to
GT that I tied into 
Calvin Devils and Shit and Money and Word Brother Word. 

But I never kkep a copy of any of my posts and I'm feeling
lazy and tired. 
All work and no play makes Jane a very dull girl. 

Here comes Dick he's wearing a skirt
Her comes Jane.....

Job 28 wrote:
> The new book says, `I will give you the key to nature,' and
> we expect to go
> like a thunderbolt to the centre. But the thunder is a
> surface phenomenon, makes a skin-deep cut, and so does the
> sage. The wedge turns out to be a rocket.
> http://www.jjnet.com/emerson/methnature.htm

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