"strong echoes" of GR in new novel says PW Daily

Doug Millison DMillison at ftmg.net
Mon Jul 30 11:28:04 CDT 2001

"Robert Wilson's tense thriller, The Company of Strangers, mixes
mathematics with wartime intrigue to fine effect. The narrative spans
the years from WWII to glasnost and the collapse of the Berlin Wall, yet
for all the inevitable social commentary, the novel remains at heart a
conventional sociopolitical thriller with strong echoes of le Carre,
Ambler, Deighton and others--not to mention Gravity's Rainbow. As the
story lengthens and the calendar pages fall away, suspense inevitably
slackens, though for the most part the novel remains supremely readable."

PW Daily for Booksellers July 27, 2001
PW Daily for Booksellers from Publishers Weekly

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