who's Christian?

Doug Millison DMillison at ftmg.net
Thu Jun 21 15:02:04 CDT 2001

Given the terms of your definition, I can see how you wouldn't consider
Pynchon a religious writer. Thanks for expanding on your previous posts.

Pynchon remains a writer who comes out of a specific religious tradition
(Christian) and who deals in his writing with fundamental issues of
Christian theology and practice (as well as other religious traditions), and
who shows, again and again, characters caught in historical situations that
are in substantial ways defined by religion. He writes about the way that
people have made a religion of science and technology, the pseudo-religion
of Nazism, he creates characters who in various ways act out the grand
debates about religion that took place during the Enlightment, and so forth.
Obviously, these issues are important to Pynchon or he wouldn't come back to
them again and again in a writing career that spans more 4 decades and treat
them in such depth. 

It is good to reach an understanding of terms, to define them, even if some
of the yahoos who attend to this discussion think that's unnecessary.

Thomas Eckhardt:
[good post]

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