who's Christian?

Mike Weaver mikeweaver at gn.apc.org
Thu Jun 21 13:50:07 CDT 2001

The great thing about TP is, I think we all agree, that he is encyclopaedic 
in his range of knowledge and expression. My interest is in his political 
expression. Terance has spent much recent energy on championing his 
religious perspectives. A while ago he spent as much energy championing 
Pynchon the satirist. The discussion on the p-list tends to measure our 
priorities not Pynchon's.

If I had time to investigate TP's priorities I'd be looking for the aspects 
in which he most strongly invests his passion rather than his intellect. 
Were it possible to draw any conclusions about such investment in each of 
his books one might be able to plot a trajectory of his development as a 
reflective human being.


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