Coffin Joe

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Wed Mar 7 13:16:35 CST 2001

A friend of mine once sat me down at a coffee shop
with the Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film and the
proceeded over the next several hours to comment on
every damn film in the book.  Ditto some horror film
encyclopedia or another.  Eminenetly entertaining,
though, unfortunately, he's since moved.  Anyway,
Cotton Joe made an Impression.  Found one film (looked
bootlegged) at a local video store, maybe The Strange
World of Cotton Joe?  But I think it was one of the
others, without "Cotton Joe" in the title.  Still
haven't gotten 'round to it, it'll be a bit, but I'll
report back.  My guess is that there's a back issue of
Video Watchdog with a full-length treatment of the CJ
ouevre.  In the meantime, look up one Paul Naschy, who
appareently played a werewolf in every one of the
several  dozen films he was in ...

--- Richard Romeo <richardromeo at> wrote:

<P>anyone ever see any films by this director.

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