pynchon-l-digest V2 #2173

David Morris fqmorris at
Sun Oct 21 20:25:22 CDT 2001

>From: Terrance
>What do you make of the 40 years?
>"The fathers have no power today and never did, but because 40 years ago we 
>could not kill them..."

"We" would be the sons, right?  And our *present* curse would be the result 
of the failure of a previous, 40 years ago, two generations ago group of 
sons.  The sons are to blame, it seems.

>I read that 40 years as referencing Nazism.
>And I think the fact that fathers never had power is the key. What power 
>didn't they have? They had never had it. Only Mothers had and have that 
>The fathers can't kill their sons. The sons can't kill the fathers.
>And who or what is to blame?
>Mother the war of course.

The child is father to the son.
And the mother bore the son.


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