Robert Stone/Godzilla Marathon

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Wed Sep 5 01:24:51 CDT 2001

Caught a very little bit of Destroy All Monsters
myself.  The Arch de Triomphe going down as Baragon
rises from the ground beneath.  Have a great Japanese
2-CD set of Godzilla sound effects which includes the
ENTIRE final DAM battle scene, great listening ...

But speaking of the French, reminds me, saw Apocalypse
Now Redux over the weekend.  The additional material's
actually been widely available for some time now,
albeit not necessarily cut into the film.  Probably
for good reason.  But did strike me as well past the
halfway point to Gravity's Rainbow: Now a Major Motion
Picture ...

Also, note that permission had to be granted by  Mrs.
T.S. Eliot for use of material from "The Hollow Men." 
Isn't this a bit like going to Vanilla Ice for
permission to use the David Bowie/Queen "Under
Pressure" bassline (oh, wait, I forgot, tehre's an
extra note ...)?  Or was there more of TSE's poem
used?  Can't recall ...

Only now noticed that Michael Herr (Desptaches) wrote
the narration ...

--- Richard Romeo <richardromeo at> wrote:
> Hey all--
> just finished Dog Soldiers by Robert Stone (u may
> remember Who'll Stop the Rain flick starring Nick
> Nolte that DS is based on).  I was very keen on
> Stone's portayal of the seedy American underbelly
> and the death of the 60s, so to speak.  admit that
> it seemed alot more realistic and "mature" rendering
> of the so-called Counterforce how things went down
> the tubes by the early 70s, particularly it's vivid
> portayal of how drugs and idealism led to such ruin.
> P.S.  Sunday slack sloth watching Godzilla vs.
> Megalon, the Cosmic Monster, Monster Zero.  oh how I
> pine for that Mothra novel we'll never read.

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