Technical Difficulties

monroe at monroe at
Fri Sep 21 10:14:28 CDT 2001

Okay, glad to see my blind posts went through, at least, but I've not e-mail
access for days now otherwise.  Essentially sneaking on a machine here, so
... so I still might not be able to post at length today, and I'm concerned
I might lose the weekend as well.  Still intend to make full use of the
fifty or so pounds of research I've been carrying around with me everywhere
I went this past week, but I might not be able to do so 'til early next
week.  So whoever's up next, start at will, just please don't take it
personally when I'm still posting on Chs. 2 & 3 for a few days into the week
(Lord knows, I'm generally jsut ingnored anyway, so ...).  Still haven't
actually read much of anything anyone's posted or otherwise sent me since I
posted, so ... 

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