MDDM Ch. 67 Various

alfredjprufrock at alfredjprufrock at
Fri Aug 2 07:12:44 CDT 2002

Bac> I don't think the pronunciation is invariable in america,
Bac> although it would seem likely that the french is "correct."
Bac> Probably stemmed from the original interactions with
Bac> french trappers, explorers and jesuits. The latter being
Bac> responsible for many baptisms, as well as, "Meridian Lines"?

good ol' soldiers of christ...

i was looking up stuff about the jesuits and there's a bunch of
jesuit conspiracy theories out there, i had no idea...
it's pretty funny. then after all stalin must have gotten his
education somewhere, uh...

sorry terrance.
just kidding.
it's true though.
anyway, for a little jesuit-induced paranoia:

it's pretty good. they're all in there. my dear p-listers, the illuminati truly are


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