Gaddis and Pynchon

Doug Millison millison at
Tue Aug 20 19:14:20 CDT 2002

At 3:08 PM -0700 8/20/02, s~Z wrote:
>Tobyillison is non-elitist and maintains that no living author even comes
>close to the quality of Pynchon.

Not quite.  I said, Pynchon is my favorite among living authors writing in
English.  To be precise (before Otto gets all hot and bothered about the
propriety of me misquoting my own posts I said, "In my
case, however, I would say he has no peer among living authors writing in

I'll fudge that a bit now, if you don't mind.  By "peer", I mean nobody who
can do what he does, no equal in his domain.

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