Request for Pynchonian expertise!

The Great Quail quail at
Fri Dec 13 09:32:26 CST 2002

To the whole sick crew:

I have spent the last few weeks updating and revising the Pynchon site I run
in cooperation with Dr Larry Daw, "Spermatikos Logos." Two areas that have
been greatly expanded include the section on "Pynchon Criticism" and the
soon-to-be opened "Pynchon in Film" pages.

First of all, I am greatly indebted to Richard Lane's "Pynchon Files" for
some of the material that will appear in the Film section. Indeed, I am
resurrecting some of his "files," and giving them a new home, with all due
credit intact.

It is the Pynchon Criticism section that I would particularly like help

As it stands now, I have the basic format laid out, supporting entries for
several dozen in-print or easily available works. What would delight me,
however, is to acquire a few paragraphs of commentary for each one --
synopses, reviews, comments, and so on. Additionally, I would be delighted
to post a full review of the upcoming "Lines of Flight," should anyone be
interested in reviewing the latest offering of Pynchon criticism.

Needless to say, I can't think of a more well-read, informed, talented and
opinionated group of Pynchon enthusiasts than this group! So please, if you
have a favorite book of Pynchonian criticism, a treasured guidebook, or a
lame collection of essays you'd like to trash, please consider submitting a
review for one of the books featured in this section. Although I cannot
offer monetary compensation, you will of course be credited by name, and I
am sure that fame and fortune will naturally follow.

Also, there's another section long neglected on Spermatikos Logos:
"Influence." Here I had originally wanted an essay or a few pages on
Pynchon's influence on general fiction and pop culture, as well as other
writers such as DeLillo, Erickson, Murakami, and so on. To be honest, I no
longer have the time or inclination to really research such a page and do it
the justice it deserves. However, if anyone here would be up for the task, I
would be very happy to finally put that section to bed; otherwise I may just
remove it entirely.

Thanks for hearing me out, and please take a few moments to consider my
requests. I would be honored to make Spermatikos Logos more of a group



The Great Quail, Keeper of the Libyrinth:

"Book! you lie there; the fact is, you books must know your places.
You'll do to give us the bare words and facts, but we come in to
supply the thoughts."
     --Herman Melville, "Moby Dick"

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