V. ch. 2: uptown taking over the world

jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Wed Feb 20 15:05:42 CST 2002

I think that it's Slab's way of one-upping Stencil. They are competitors for
Esther's affection. Slab is the chosen suitor, which Esther acknowledges
with her coy laugh at his witticism.

I think Stencil stops briefly and "touched" the group which includes Esther
(i.e. he indicates his intention to leave the party). What follows is a
ritualisation of leave-taking, and the single words the men use are like a
signature, multi-purpose utterances in their subcultural vernacular,
affectations of coolness. I suspect that Slab is concerned that the party is
"unwinding", and his remark - "Scene" - and gesture are deliberately
ambiguous, and could mean either "hey, stay, this is a great scene", or
"hey, you're leaving and causing the party to disintegrate, look at the
scene you're causing", depending on what Stencil does next. Stencil leaves
("Later"), so Slab follows up with his one-liner, blaming Stencil for the
party's impending break-up. (I think he is implying that Stencil is going
"uptown", to a more mainstream and less "hip" entertainment venue, or that
Stencil himself - obviously out of place at the party - personifies


--- Prokopis Prokopidis <prokopis at ilsp.gr> wrote:
> Hi,
> V., chapter 2. We are at the party in Mixolydian's appartment and ...
> > Stencil shrugged irritably, rose from the sink and found his coat.
> On the way out he touched a knot of six: Raoul, Slab, Melvin and
> three girls.
> > "Man," said Raoul.
> > "Scene," said Slab, waving his arm to indicate the unwinding party.
> > "Later," Stencil said and moved on out the door.
> > The girls stood silent. They were camp followers of a sort and
> expendable. Or at least could be replaced.
> > "Oh yes," said Melvin.
> > "Uptown," Slab said, "is taking over the world."
> > "Ha, ha," said one of the girls.
> Can someone provide some context to Slab's "joke"? Why is it that
> uptown
> is assuming control of the world? And why does this make Esther
> laugh?
> P.

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