pynchon-l-digest V2 #2400

Doug Millison millison at
Fri Feb 22 13:22:28 CST 2002

P in Nazi drag is a compelling image, but since Lineland I've found it
difficult to put much faith in Wexler or her ex, they seem to work so
consistently to portray Pynchon in a lurid, unflattering light.  But who
knows? Maybe P really did do something like that; I wasn't there, I don't
know either way.

Given the tenor of P's remarks in his Playboy Japan interview (which may
still prove to be hoax, of course) -- or, just extrapolating from his
attack on Reagan-Bush fascism in Vineland, and his continuing critique of
America's dark side in M&D -- I  would expect him to observe the US taking
an even deeper turn into neo-fascism today, with the country united under
Bush and apparently ready, willing, and able to move from one bloody
imperialistic campaign to the next, at the same time waving the flag,
cuddling up to our TV cops, locking up suspicious looking foreigners and
detaining dissenters, etc. It's very ugly, what the US is doing now, and
how so many seemingly sensitive and intelligent people don't see it.
(Pathetic to see Bush struggling to make the Koreans understand, the other
day, "We are peaceful people" while the bombs still rain down on
Afghanistan and Iraq and now again in the Philippines.) That's why I found
that Gordon Craig article interesting, especially the excerpt I sent along
yesterday, his review of the book that discusses the broad support Hitler
is said to have received, also from many sensitive and intelligent humans.
But of course this is just my opinion, I don't have access to Pynchon or
his thoughts, I'm just speculating here.

P.S.  Thank you, "Rotating Girl"  (not you, kai, this is for somebody else
out there who has way too much time on her hands), for your kind attention
and compliments.

>in that movie by the dubini brothers someone, probably christine wexler,
>reported that trp, while writing "gravity's rainbow", liked to wear
>nazi clothing in public now and then which helped him to write the book
>cause it
>enabled him to get real with the scandalous thesis that the vietnam war
>the usa into something similar like the third reich. "we were the new
>nazis and
>tom was writing down the story".

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