SLSL Intro (A Couple-Three Bozos

vze26x2p vze26x2p at
Mon Nov 11 20:08:55 CST 2002

s~Z wrote:

> When I read TRP I
>sense something I can't put into words. When I hosted MDMD(20) the whole
>experience of studying those texts closely put me into a very strange state
>of consciousness. Putting that experience into words trivializes the
>experience. Now, anyway. Several people who were around that week were drawn
>into the experience also. When I read Nabokov, and he talked about novelist
>as enchanter that made sense to me. Nabokov does the same thing to me
>Pynchon does. Tin Drum and Moby Dick did it. Beckett does it. It is
>powerful. It makes life worth living. Pynchon himself says no one is
>listening. I agree.
The things Pynchon and Nabokov do to you are hard to talk about because 
they are not trivial. The trivial stuff is easy to talk about.  It puts 
me in mind of how business meetings in bureaucratic organizations tend 
to operate.  The purpose of the meetings is to discuss and solve 
problems. Naturally there are relatively easy problems and there are 
also much harder, sometimes almost intractible, ones. So what happens? 
Invariably, ninety percent of the meeting's time is spent discussing the 
easy problems  and ten percent of the time is spent on the harder ones, 
which  are harder to discuss because they are hard but also conversely 
are hard because they are harder to discuss.


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