MDDM: melancholy, Mason, Lolita
David Morris
fqmorris at
Wed Oct 2 16:55:40 CDT 2002
>From: cathy ramirez <cathyramirez69 at>
><lorentzen-nicklaus at> wrote:
> >
> > cathy ramirez schrieb:
> >
> > > Come on, look what they did to Hollander.
> >
> > what did they (or "they"?) do to maxi-waxi?
>Come on Kai, you don't remember chucky the clown?
>Now Cathy's the clown.
>You don't remember how Doug praised Hollander like a god and how RJ and
>others dragged him down into that filthy pit where he and doug were
>screaming up the list with holocaust denial and neo-nazi accusations?didn't
> doug lobby pretty hard to prevent robert jackson from getting his article
>on Pynchon published?
I remember all you describe above except two things:
1. Hollander wasn't dragged anywhere. Doug licked Chucky's butt and got
patted on the head in return (that's all he really wants). This tag-team
tried to rule this list with their stupendous Capital "A" AUTHORITY.
Hollander hid from sight and used Doug and his own personas in this cynical
game. They were together a major factor in the decline of this list.
2. I don't know about rj's published work on Pynchon, nor about Doug's
alleged lobbying. Who in their right mind would listen to a thing Doug has
to say?
But you're a tough sole. You can take it.
>every time i create a persona a get message from doug or one of doug's many
>personas telling me how to participate. when i don't comply he attacks my
This seems to be Doug's major M.O. as was well testified by the distiguished
Malign'd. Doug is a major psych-case. God help him.
David Morris
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