A rumor

Doug Millison pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 4 22:26:47 CDT 2002

-- Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at verizon.net> wrote:
> but you and you alone (so sue)

I haven't ever made any suggestion that PN abandoned
its editorial independence, nor have I ever made any
suggestion to PN about jbor's article, as Prof. Krafft
confirms.  Instead it's cathyramirez69, then jbor, and
now Mackin who suggest the opposite.  Pretty shabby,
imo -- PN is a fine publication with an unspotted
reputation for academic excellence and independence.
The slander against me is shabby, too, but less
consequential than calling into question the integrity
of a fine publication and institution, Pynchon Notes.

I'm not surprised to see Mackin trying to fan some
flames (although I'm at a loss to understand what
stake Mackin has in maligning PN in this fashion),
that's pretty much all Mackin's done here since I
first subscribed going on 6 years ago, (it's hell
getting old with no other hobby but trolling on the
internet, I guess)....

....but it is strange how "cathyramirez69"  came in
attacking me out of the blue and dredging up all that
old stuff, then funny how jbor would put his foot in
his mouth in his effort to slander me by picking up
the thread of an old story in which jbor made such a
public ass of himself!  Go figure -- some weird shit
going on behind those pseudonyms, I suspect.  (Prof.
Krafft is a generous editor, is all I can say; at the
various times in my career when I have had editorial
responsibility for magazines, writers who impugned the
editorial integrity of the publication didn't occupy
priority positions on my list of must-publish

There was of course no need for me to tell John Krafft
or anybody else on Pynchon-L about jbor's attack on
Charles Hollander, all they had to do was read jbor's 
insults on the P-list, and many of us had to put up
with them offlist, too, including the wild charges
about Hollander and me hacking into jbor's computer
down there in Australia (that's actually very funny
for anybody who knows how limited my computer skills
are). jbor managed to raise a stink  (aided by a
couple of people who continue to post regularly here,
too) without any help from me, that's for sure.  I may
have erred in publicly reprimanding jbor for his
appalling attack on Hollander -- although I'm not
sorry I did, even on the free 'n easy internet it's OK
to speak up for simple human decency now and again, I
believe --, but you'd think after a few years jbor
would have the sense to drop it.  It was difficult
enough to try to understand back then why jbor would
use Pynchon-L to attack a fellow Pynchon scholar, in
what I can only guess was some weird attempt to make a
reputation at the expense of an established researcher
in the field.

I suggest -- unsolicited advice, to be sure -- that
jbor let his scholarship do the talking, and cut out
the attacks on others in the Pynchon community, either
in his jbor persona or one of the various fakename
posters who routinely attack P-listers who disagree
with jbor. 

But, people will continue to write whatever they want
to write here, no matter what I or anybody else says,
so do as you will, please.



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