Spinning a black web again (was rumor)
Doug Millison
pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 5 11:30:58 CDT 2002
I choose to disregard the bulk of your bs, but a
couple of things are worth addressing.
--- cathy ramirez <cathyramirez69 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>Now he
> drags
> and spins Kraft and PN into his web.
False. cathyramirez69 brought PN (jbor's article) into
the present discussion.
> Who has the time to hunt in the archives? To unspin
> what Doug has spun?
> And who the hell cares?
> EVERY symptom and EVERY cause of his Black sins.
> Come, listen, my P-listers, while I tell you again
> The five unmistakable spins
> By which you may know, if hunting the archives we
> go,
> Every black symptom & cause of his sins.
> Let us take them in order. The first is his taste,
> Which is Black and bitter and mean:
> Like a coat that is rather too tight in the waist,
> and what it squeezes from his choleric spleen.
> His habit of dredging up black bitter feuds
> and dragging in scholars unawares
> Frequently frightens off Maximum Dudes
> Or traps them in his self-serving snares.
> The third is his slowness in taking a jest.
> Should you happen to venture on one,
> He will wail like a thing that is deeply distressed:
> And he always looks black at a pun.
> The fourth is his fondness for militant language
> which he constantly Pitches about,
> And believes that they add to the beauty of things
> a dim sentiment open to doubt.
> The fifth is a black need to control
> what is said in the name of his god
> and a habit for naming what he can not understand
> neo fascist neo nazi.
> Poor sod.
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