"But the world isn't like that."

vze422fs at verizon.net vze422fs at verizon.net
Mon Oct 14 13:58:45 CDT 2002

on 10/14/02 1:45 PM, Mark Wright AIA at mwaia at yahoo.com wrote:

> Howdy
> --- vze422fs at verizon.net wrote:
> Is there are more repressive regime on earth than the
>> People's
>> Republic of China? Do they threaten their neighbors? Do they possess
>> weapons
>> of mass destruction? Do they kill dissenters and jail foreign
>> nationals who
>> speak out?
> Is there anything anyone can possibly *do* about it, and if they could,
> should they try? And aren't they, come to think of it? Trying?
>> Do they crank out Nikes at slave labor rates?
> Alas yes. Only buy handmade English shoes. I recommend Churches. They
> fit great and last damn near forever if you care for them properly.
> Make floppies for your kids out of old tires.
>> Would they be
>> harder to roll over than Iraq? Have the Republicans been sucking up
>> to this
>> "most favored nation"? Saddam can't hold a candle to the Chinese for
>> rampant
>> assholery, but they will do business. There is no impending (excuse
>> me,
>> ongoing) invasion of China
> Because little if anything can be done in a large case, does that mean
> one should do nothing in all cases? Surely you do not subscribe to such
> logic. Add your light to the sum of light, no?? In foreign policy I
> think we ought to do good, or do nothing. It is not always easy to know
> what the "good" is, and doing nothing is not always equivalent to doing
> good.
> It is a shame I loath the GOP so. It makes it ever more difficult to
> think clearly. Bush et al cloud my vision. Visceral dislike of both
> major parties, or of the US in toto, must make it harder still. I can't
> wait for another opportunity to vote, and I hope we can kick the
> bastards out.
> Mark
> (Whose next automobile will be a gas-electric hybrid. We do what we
> can... A bas big oil! A bas the M-I.C.!)
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Of course I don't recommend 'doing nothing' in regard to China. I don't
recommend invading them either. My point which got lost in my ire was about
the hypocrisy of the blood-thirsty war talk shouted by the Bush
administration and echoed by the baaing of the sheep in Congress (a
generalization). Saddam is not the worst tin-pot dictator in the world. He's
just the one that Dubya etal are sure that they can beat. Schoolyard

I wear Doc's, New Balance & Merrills myself. It's a shame Converse took a


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