please, no more hate mail on Pynchon-L

Terrance lycidas2 at
Thu Oct 31 09:59:11 CST 2002

Doug Millison wrote:
> Fellow P-listers,
> At the risk of inviting insult from the usual suspects, I want to express
> my concern for Terrance, and about the increasingly violent imagery he uses
> in his posts to Pynchon-L, and to ask that threatening messages about me
> (and others) cease to be posted in this unmoderated forum.

how nice that you are concerned about me. jeeeez doug, i'm touched. but
i suspect you are not being honest because you are much too concerned
about you to be concerned about anyone else. 
> I've shared these concerns directly with Terrance earlier today, and with
> the Pynchon-L list owner.

in other words you sent this message to the owner of this list already
but you can't resist sending it again.  i'm sure the owner appreciates
that. and i'm sure he doesn't have any interest in this stupid flame

> For a long time now, Terrance has published on Pynchon-L posts in which he
> depicts me being physically assaulted. (Morris and MalignD have also taken
> part in this activity, but I don't recall anything along that particular
> line from Morris or MalignD recently, just the usual obscenities and slurs
> and misogyny, until I filtered them out of my email box).

this is BS. i wrote an elegy for jbframe because he said he was going to
slit his wrist. 
he was joking. i was joking. i did not write a poem or limerick about

you wrote two about me. 

in one, i stick my head down the toilet. 
in the other, i am depicted inflicting pain on myself

so i guess i should call my lawyer. 

but of course i won't, yet, cause i have a sense of humor, it's kinda
required round here.  and i know we were playing. in fact i played the
limerick professor and "corrected" your work. this got you angry and i'm
sorry about that. 
but obviously i'm no teacher of limericks and you're no student of
at first you played the game honestly and humorously. i suggested that
you should hang around great limerick makers and rappers to improve your
skills. you changed the subject 
to "1 mo 4 da T-thang"  (obviously you were playing along) and gave it
another shot with the tortured pickle poem. I wrote back saying that
poem was better and gave it a 7.6 mark on the limperdick scale.
obviously you were playing along. and you are the one that was composing
the poems about me. i never wrote one about you. this also pissed you
off because you sent me this offlist. 

[[[[I guess you have to work overnight on yours?
It's a good thing you don't have to make a living as a writer, as I have
done these past 20 years; increasingly, editors don't  pay often by the
word these days, they pay by the project -- and, it's well-written stuff
they want, on short deadlines.
Speaking of SLSL and who's going to do what, I notice you didn't sign up
host a session.  But I'm sure we can expect lots of big Melville and
chunks sprinkled throughout, and other pointless kibbitzing.
Have a wonderful day, big fella.
P.S. Let's just hope I can get my email filters working properly and
your gibberish out of this mail box.  Until then, I'd rather not receive
any more email from you, so please reply only to Pynchon-L and not to

still, i've not written a poem about you, doug. and i've not described
you with your head down the toilet or bond up with tears trickling down
your face. you wrote poems about me like that. 

i did write one about malignd dry humping, one about chiquita banana and
one about this fabulous orgy's sinking ship. you are not mentioned or
alluded to in any of these poems. as usual you are just lying. 

> I mentioned this fact to our family attorney, as an aside to other
> business, in a meeting today, when he asked if I had any other concerns. He
> urged me to formally warn Terrance (and other P-listers) against making
> threats to me in any medium, and to warn Terrance specifically against
> publishing such threats in a public forum such as Pynchon-L.   "In a world
> where sick people drive cross-country to shoot complete strangers, you've
> got to protect yourself," he told my wife and me.

ok, so now we are getting someplace. you went to a meeting and met with
your lawyer. 
and when you brought up the p-list and this crazy guy named terrance
what did he say? 
if he's a good family lawyer he probably called your family doctor or
your wife, but if he's not such a good family lawyer he probably asked
you if this guy terrance has big bucks. of course i'm loaded but you
can't get any of it. ha! ha! you might waste a lot of time and money
trying, but you'll never get one of my coffee beans. No one. 

But Good luck all the same, 

Terrance waiting for the knock on the door (will it be a trick or a

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