Re: Moni´s choice

Heikki Raudaskoski hraudask at
Thu Oct 31 14:10:07 CST 2002


Doug keeps accusing others of "misogyny" while never
being able to get it into his head that a 19-year-old
[right?] woman could think and write as splendidly as
you do, and what is more, see what a clown he is.

Hang in there - Doug might well be stupid enough to start
something, but finally it will boomerang back at him.


On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Monica Belevan wrote:

> Fellow Listers,
> I have forwarded a personal, intimate apology to Mr. Millison. Those who do
> know me, and there are a few of you who do; know I am not Terrance but a
> little girl writer living in Uruguay.
> As I explained to Doug, I am very sincerely apologetic if anything posted
> upset him, or was taken to be frankly sinister in content. I never had the
> intention to damage, hurt, anger or offend anyone, and am in fact, rather
> sad to get ear of this.
> In any instance, in order to state my point more cleanly, I am retiring from
> any further involvement in the p-list. I´ve made some beautiful friends here
> and would be delighted if they were kind and continued to write me at:
> bloomswake at, which is my regular e-mail address. Precisely
> because I am proceeding to unsubscribe from the list--as the finest show of
> honesty and goodwill I can think of making, and to state my dissociation
> from any procedures to be taken in what I think is a lamentably overblown
> affair which, to me, meant little more than wordplay-- this e-mail addrss
> (meet_mersault at will be deleted in 90 days. I believe that is
> the time it takes for Microsoft to cancel an address fallen out of use.
> My friends are urged to continue to contact me at bloomswake. Once again, my
> complete apologies. I write comedies and write to amuse. That this has
> turned out this way is hurtful to my mission statement. I asume
> responsibilities, and thus choose to delete the slate entirely.
> Love, Monica
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