GR 'Streets'

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Fri Apr 18 13:07:06 CDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-04-18 at 13:15, Richard Romeo wrote: 
> > I picked up both Cosmopolis and Actress in the House
> > (McRlroy) and
> > decided to read the latter first. I'm only on
> > chapter 2 but a telephone
> > conversation between a lawyer and his prospective
> > client may be almost
> > worth the price of admission. Only time will tell.
> > 
> > p.
> ---------------
> odd, but I never got what mcelroy was laying down, so
> to speak. all the writers I fancied at one time or
> another directed me to McElroy but I've dipped into
> Smuggler's Bible, tried to read women & men, plus was
> incomprehensible to me, etc.
> Steven Moore compares mcelroy to delillo more than the
> others.
> premise for actress in house beyond style and
> structure seems rather weak (a omen and men on a
> smaller scale, perhaps?)

Yeah, I've tried some highly regarded authors I didn't really "get" or
want to stay with. This is my first McElroy however. So far the feeling
of ordinary day to day fragmented experience seems rather wonderfully
rendered. The half thoughts and sentences characteristic of his writing
style are quite pleasant to take and are no problem in following the
story. I suppose this will be classified as a hard novel though. 

P. . 

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