SF-PL a l e r t

Steve Maas tyronemullet at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 19 19:03:42 CDT 2003

Here's hoping someone sings the 'Rounders classic:

(Peter Stampfel & Antonia, ca. 1970s)

In your Easter vomit with all the flies upon it
You'll be the drunkest wino in the Easter parade

(and so on)

Pynchonoid wrote:

DISH Collective & The Billion Bunny March presents the 3rd Annual Bunny 
Jam...Operation Bunny Jam: The Hares Stand Up! ...

- - Mass Bunnification Station
- - Mr. MacGregor's Garden & Wee Three Carrots
- - Springtime for Bunnies Puppet Theatre
- - HareBrainwashing Dome
- - Bunny Mutation Museum
- - The Garden of Plushie Delights
- - Hopstacle Course & Bunny Boot Camp
- - Search for the Bunny Bomb
- - Hare-o-glyphic Roto-Totems
- - The Kali Bunny shrine
- -  Hare Apparent Projections
- - Floating Easter Egg Dirigible
- -  Bunnytopian Garden of Images
- -  Bunny BoozBar
- -  Live Music: Nik Phelps and the BunnyBand
	plus LunaBunny Arias
- - DJs and VJs: Dr. Furrriendly, Barcode Bunny, Hellgabunny.

And featuring  the unbunnievable talents of the Bay Area's most hareified 
(but unafraid) artistes:

- - CameraBunny
- - CarolunaBunny
- - CC Clark Bunny
- - Marcia CrosBunny
- - Dr. Furrriendly
- - Ron RabbitRun Hare-bert
- - Jackie Jackalope
- - Karen Lewis Bunny
- - Cary Okano Bunny
- - Neon Bunny
- - Disco Spoonbunny
- - Sandwichbunny
- - SuperSpacebunny
- - Richard Watership Downey Jr.
- - ShimmeryBunny
- - StarBunny
- - $teven Ra$pa Bunny

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