Foreword "Goofy Mustaches"

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Sat Apr 26 16:38:17 CDT 2003

First off, keep in mind, I'm attempting to start us up
on that "Foreword," and not 1984, much less Gravity's
Rainbow.  Pynchon's the one who brings politics into
it.  Out of a 20 page "Foreword" (19, if you cut 'n'
past the short last page to the first), after a page
at the beginning and one near the end on biography,
plus a coupl/three pages on plot/character, roughly
three quarters of that "Foreword" is expressly
historical, and, especially, political historical,
context, with interspersed commentary ("crankiness,"
"crotchetude," whatever).  I'll likely press that
"fair use" thing to th hilt covering the few pages I
haven't cited yet, but ... well, I'm genuinely
astonished everyone here in English-speaking
territories doesn't already have a copy, or at least
access.  I figured, well, it's brand spanking new and
we do need SOMETHING to move on to, so ...

--- Terrance <lycidas2 at> wrote:
> Regrettably, one must still insist that 1984 and GR,
> are works of literature and not politics. So many of
> our fellow P-listers can't help but approach
> anything written anywhere determined to use it as
> propaganda for one side against the other.

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