Why Pynchon is the greatest

Ghetta Life ghetta_outta at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 11 10:30:48 CST 2003

I believe you're being a bit disingenuous.  Granted, it may not be great 
poetry, but it's not that hard to follow:

>From: Malignd <malignd at yahoo.com>
><<"the crimes behind the world, the thousand bloody arroyos in the 
>hinterlands of time that stretched somberly inland from the honky-tonk 
>coast of Now.">>
>If I'm following this--
>[Q] The thousand bloody arroyos are on the coast?

A: No, they are in the "hinterlands of time."  From the "coast of Now" they 
stetch inland.

>The arroyos are both bloody and somber?

A: Yes.

>[Q] The crime are "behind" the world, in the hinterlands, despite there 
>being thousands of them and despite their stretching inland, presumably out 
>of the hinterlands, out from behind the world?

A: "Behind" refers to time, not necesarily (although w/ Pynchon one would 
suspect they would) does this mean they are hidden behind.  They don't 
stretch inland from "the hinterlands of time" but from "the honky-tonk coast 
of Now."

>[Q] The hinterlands are also a honky-tonk? The hinterlands are on the 

A: No.  See above.

But if you want some great poetry, GR has plenty.


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