Why Pynchon is the greatest

jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Thu Dec 11 15:43:10 CST 2003

on 11/12/03 8:35 AM, Malignd at malignd at yahoo.com wrote:

> <<"the crimes behind the world, the thousand bloody
> arroyos in the hinterlands of time that stretched
> somberly inland from the honky-tonk coast of Now.">>
> If I'm following this--
> The thousand bloody arroyos are on the coast?  The
> arroyos are both bloody and somber?  The crime are
> "behind" the world, in the hinterlands, despite there
> being thousands of them and despite their stretching
> inland, presumably out of the hinterlands, out from
> behind the world?  The hinterlands are also a
> honky-tonk?  The hinterlands are on the coast?
> Help me somebody.

the (th'ee before a vowel, th'uh before a consonant)

a.    Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote
particular, specified persons or things: the baby; the dress I wore.
b.    Used before a noun, and generally stressed, to emphasize one of a
group or type as the most outstanding or prominent: considered Lake Shore
Drive to be the neighborhood to live in these days.
c.    Used to indicate uniqueness: the Prince of Wales; the moon.
d.    Used before nouns that designate natural phenomena or points of the
compass: the weather; a wind from the south.
e.    Used as the equivalent of a possessive adjective before names of some
parts of the body: grab him by the neck; an infection of the hand.
f.    Used before a noun specifying a field of endeavor: the law; the film
industry; the stage.
g.    Used before a proper name, as of a monument or ship: the Alamo; the
h.    Used before the plural form of a numeral denoting a specific decade of
a century or of a life span: rural life in the Thirties.

2.    Used before a singular noun indicating that the noun is generic: The
wolf is an endangered species.
a.    Used before an adjective extending it to signify a class and giving it
the function of a noun: the rich; the dead; the homeless.
b.    Used before an absolute adjective: the best we can offer.

4.    Used before a present participle, signifying the action in the
abstract: the weaving of rugs.
5.    Used before a noun with the force of per: cherries at $1.50 the box.

[Middle English, from Old English the, alteration (influenced by th-,
oblique case stem of demonstrative pron.), of se, masculine demonstrative
pron.; see so- in Indo-European Roots.]


ar/roy/o (-roi)
n. pl. ar/roy/os 

1.    Filipino President, Gloria, born in April 5, 1947, the daughter of the
late President Diosdado Macapagal, a descendant of Lakandula and fondly
known as the "poor boy from Lubao" in the province of Pampanga; and Dr.
Evangelina Macaraeg-Macapagal of Binalonan, Pangasinan, who were well known
for their integrity and simple but dignified lifestyle. During the
Presidency of Diosdado Macapagal, the Philippines was second only to Japan
in economic progress in Asia.


[Spanish, from Vulgar Latin *arrugius, gold mine, underground passage,
variant of Latin arrugia, a galleried mine.]


time    (t'iym)

1.     A news journal with worldwide circulation, Time was the first
newsmagazine to publish online, beginning in 1993 and launched TIME.com in
1994. According to Nielsen NetRatings, TIME.com is the most trafficked
newsmagazine site online. TIME's global reach attracts a unique blend of
news-involved individuals who need to stay ahead of the curve by
understanding the world we live in.

[Middle English, from Old English tIma. See d- in Indo-European Roots.]



and so on


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