Pynchon mention in article re young German writers

Richard Romeo romeocheeseburger at
Tue Dec 30 10:13:28 CST 2003

--- Malignd <malignd at> wrote:
> As you're including Gaddis, I don't know if you mean
> exclusively living writers, but Bellow certainly, at
> least the younger Bellow of Augie March and
> Humboldt's
> Gift.  And if merely incorporating numerous
> characters
> is your standard, Cryptonomicon would bear
> comparison.
agreed.  just jotting down my own personal preferences
here--I think bellow and roth are quite different
animals when compared to Pynchon/Gaddis but worthy of
much respect in any case.  different strokes I always

> I'm not sure it's entirely fair to load these guys
> up
> with the "next Gaddis" "next Pynchon" labels, only
> to
> flog them for not being the next Gaddis or Pynchon.
again, it's more of a persoanl opinion--i'm just
disappointed with the writings of these folks
overall--Wallace, who in IJ came as close as anyone in
getting excited about, has sorta lost it for me
subsequently--his short stories, essays, and this math
book seemed to me, I don't know, kinda dull. they are
all competent writers but it all seems so polished,
lacks something--passion?  reading first 50 pgs of
Quicksilver reminds me of Eco--reading some one else's
research--lacks something organic (i didn't finish
cryptonomicon either)
I can add Moody, Chabon, Euginides, too--they're all
more aping DeLillo now, for the most part.

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