"bizarre" coincidences

vze422fs at verizon.net vze422fs at verizon.net
Tue Jan 28 14:34:00 CST 2003

on 1/28/03 10:39 AM, Henry Secularpeturbations at
henryssecularpeturbations at yahoo.com wrote:

> --- vze422fs at verizon.net wrote:
>> So what do you think?
>> Are you suggesting that the P-list is part if some
>> conspiracy?
>> Very Pynchonesque.
> Gee, hadn't thought of that. Now that is funny.
>> Has the government been planting disinformation
>> amongst a group of semi-professional, or worse,
> twentieth century contemporary fiction argumentatives?
> Everyone here is working for the government and
> pretending to be American expatriates.
>> Please elaborate on "Bizarre Coincedences".
>> Seems farfetched to me.
> Well. that's only because you're not as paranoid as I
> am. Try bein a little more paranoid for once, will ya?
> I mean, like how are we gonna communicate when you're
> nto on my paranoid wavelength?
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I'm beginning to understand. You must really be Eddie Bettano, the kid in my
eighth grade homeroom who stayed back a few years and shook me down for my
drug....er... lunch money. You were only pretending to be a stupid thug with
no future. Now I've been sucked into your devilishly fiendish cabal. All
this time you've been plotting revenge for the time that I gave you the
wrong answers to the history exam when they foolishly forced me to tutor you
in the idiotic hope that we would somehow bond and become friends.

Well mister, I wasn't having any of it then, and I'm not having any of it
now! I know that you created this alleged Pynchon list just to exploit my
bandwidth to communicate with the alien females with whom you plan to mate;
producing a hybrid race of superstooges to conquer the world through the
internet, the fascist media, and academia.

I've got my aluminum foil hat on and my genuine Italian-made stiletto at the
ready. You will not take my cerebral cortex alive to fuel your network of
extraterrestrial PDA's. I'm on to you now! The sodium metal bomb is really
going to hit the toilet now!

Is that better? 

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