antw. re: What about Entropy?

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri Jan 31 09:40:14 CST 2003

--- lorentzen-nicklaus <lorentzen-nicklaus at> wrote:
>     yet after turning away from THEIR system sloth recovers and feels with
his  sow  "just natural". see also wilhelm reich's 'deconstruction' of
thermodynamics' second law: [... German, which I can't read, but...]

>From continued observations and experiments Reich, little by little, formulated
a number of general laws and principles of orgone and its functioning. I shall
enumerate the most important of these:
(1) being mass free, orgone energy itself has no inertia thus making it
difficult to measure with conventional techniques.
(2) Orgone energy is universal and ubiquitous filling all space although in
differing degrees;
(3) it is the medium for electromagnetic and gravitational activity. It is held
to be the sub-stratum of the most fundamental natural phenomena, the medium
which light moves and electromagnetic and gravitational fields exert force;

(4) it is negatively entropic. Orgone energy is attracted to concentrations of
itself unlike heat or light, which manifest a direction from higher to lower
potential. (An analogy is found in gravitation where the larger bodies attract
or pull the smaller.)

(5) Matter is created from orgone energy. Concentration and merging of
individual streams of orgone can create matter where none previously existed.
(6) Existing matter can, through the action of orgone energy, be organized
spontaneously into living forms where no life previously existed.
(7) Separate streams of orgone energy may be attracted to each other and then
superimpose. The superimposition function is held to be the fundamental form of
the creative process. In free space this superimposition is seen as galaxies
and solar systems. In the atmosphere these streams converge into a spiral
creating hurricanes and cyclones. In living nature two separate streams of
energy flow together creating living organisms.

But all I can say is "(Please) Prove it to me ('cause it sure sounds like hokum
to me (as much as I like you, kai.)."  

David Morris

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