Was Reading and discussing Pynchon's texts

David Morris fqmorris at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 10 15:23:30 CDT 2003

--- s~Z <keithsz at concentric.net> wrote:
> Pale Fire deals with some of the things we argue about in a way that will be
very entertaining as fodder on this list. Formatting the discussion raises
interesting issues. I would vote for going straight through it, although that
might prove impossible. We would be reading and discussing the poem prior to
reading and discussing Kinbote's commentary on the poem which would create a
need to re-examine the poem. Are we really going to do this?

I think we can do it, but I think we need a little bit of structure, like a
schedule at minimum so we can all be together in the discussion.  Someone who's
already read PF might be best at being the one to set up this schedule.

Last time I tried it I dropped PF when the poem began.  I've been told since
that I could just skip the poem, but I'll try to read it this time.  Stll I
think it's probably the least important part of the book from what I've heard.

 David Morris

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