Was Reading and discussing Pynchon's texts

Otto ottosell at yahoo.de
Tue Jun 10 16:29:03 CDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "pynchonoid" <pynchonoid at yahoo.com>
To: <pynchon-l at waste.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: Was Reading and discussing Pynchon's texts

> --- Otto <ottosell at yahoo.de> wrote:
> > Nobody has shut down the discussion.
> Debatable.  It's been noticed, offlist, how the Gang
> of Five smothered it.

As always offlist of course. Why don't those who complain post & discuss?
What keeps them from doing it?

> >I think it's
> > over because nobody has to
> > say anything more about it.
> I think it's over because you, and Keith, and the rest
> of your little group have decided you want to talk
> about something else. Many possible Foreword-related
> topics have been suggested here, but your Gang of Five
> has focused only on a very limited number of them.

I haven't decided anything. And I cannot remember "Many possible
Foreword-related topics" that have been rejected by anyone. Sounds like the
usual exaggeration. Say something about the foreword that is important and
hasn't been said yet.

> Do as you like, Otto turn Pynchon-L into a Nabokov
> forum if you like.  As you say, it's an unmoderated
> list.

I'm discussing literature, not necessarily only Pynchon's works on this
list. Sometimes I do politics too because I like the people here and it's
hard to find reasonable people to talk to these days.

If this list would be turned into a moderated list you would be the first
victim, and I'm defending your freedom to post whatever you like too.


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