Was Reading and discussing Pynchon's texts

slothenvypride slothenvypride7 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 11 12:02:43 CDT 2003

Bravo!  Good post, and finally someone around here offering solutions instead of adding to the problems.

davemarc <davemarc at panix.com> wrote:
As for what the list will discuss next, I would prefer for it to go through
a cooling-off period that might help us regain our senses, including a
positive sense
of pynchon-l identity. I'd be interested in seeing what would happen if,
say, July (or a week or even a day) became strictly Pynchon-related with
nobody posting more than once per day. Maybe that would get us out of bad
ruts and make sending and receiving mail on pynchon-l less of a nuisance and
more of a pleasure. If we can't eliminate flaming, I wonder if we could at
least try something like Flame-Free Fridays. (Or Flame Only on Fridays?) I
have my doubts.

If there is a Pale Fire discussion, I suggest that it be a "Pynchon and Pale
Fire" discussion. I also have a suggestion that I wish I'd brought up
for the 1984 Foreword: Instead of atomizing the discussion as has been done
in the past, perhaps each participant could simply contribute a 500-1000
word essay that would be posted on an agreed-upon date. After the
participants review the essays, they'd then write a follow-up essay of the
same length, to be delivered on an agreed-upon date. I think this structure
might lead to some impressive, um, erudition while diminishing the
opportunities for flame fights and redundancy. And who knows? Maybe the
essays would be book- or journal- or conference-worthy.


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