pynchon agnostic? II

thomas kyhn rovsing hjoernet tkrh at
Mon Mar 3 16:33:25 CST 2003

On 03/03/03 21:56, "S.R. Prozak" <prozak at> wrote:

>>>>>>>>> whatever is outside of language is not in itself divided into distinct
>>> entities<<<
>>> How does one know this?
>> Let¹s say then that judging from the fact that different languages divide
>> Œit¹ (or make it (Œit¹) up) in different ways, it seems that it is so.
> This is an artifact of dualism: we see things as either contiguous or
> isolated, but can't see them as both.

> The current trendy theory that "language is what divides us" is semi-accurate
> at best; when one points out that categorical thinking can exceed language
> itself, and include emotion and belief, these people usually become very
> upset.

How does 'categorical thinking' exceed language?
And what, exactly, do you understand by this 'categorical thinking'?


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