Pynchon Interview Playboy Japan -- Translation Questions

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Mar 13 16:16:52 CST 2003

--- Scott Badger <lupine at> wrote:
> A Man They Call Pynchon:
<<<When I see a wealthy person, I instinctively feel anger deep in my
> Barbara:
<<the poor's (justified) hatred of the rich, the easy shift between points of
view-- all sounds like Pynchon to me.>>
>Given the Pynchon family's income bracket, past and present, you're saying it
sounds like Pynchon because he's generally such an hypocrite? And prejudiced?

The futility of trying to elicit independent critical thought from Barbara.
The entertainment in trying to elicit independent critical thought from

If Pynchon really said and believes the quote above, then Maybe Hollander's
right about the jealous core at the heart of TRP.

David Morris

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