Religious Fundamentalism in Orwell and Pynchon

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Mon May 19 16:18:21 CDT 2003

>>But defense contractors and others do make money
>>war ...

>Certainly they do, as do roofers from tornadoes, but
>that is not to say that roofers cause tornadoes or
>privately relish the destruction done by them.

Apples and oranges. Roofers have no way to cause of a
tornado. But, war is not a phenomenon of nature, it's
the result of decisions made by governments, which are
open to the lobbying efforts, private and public, of

At any rate, Terrance has been saying for quite a long
time now, that companies don't profit from war.  My
posts today have been to that point.  As you appear to
acknowledge, some corporations and individuals do
profit from war.  It's also true that some of the
people who influence political decisions about making
War profit from that War -- the Bush family is a good
example, profiting from the war on Iraq through Bush
investments in defense contractors (including United
Defense, where BushJr made a recent, highly publicized
appearance) via the Carlyle Group; Cheney on that $1
million per annum Halliburton gravy train, etc. & etc.

> And the ceaseless stridency of tone, the purple
> overstatement of the case, overwhelms the content,
> the
> message capsized and sunk in the medium.

That's a very good discription of your own posts of
course, flailing away at the fictional "Doug
Millistein" and shadow boxing with the rest of your
Straw Men, as you do. 


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