VLVL The Wayvones; drugs

Dave Monroe monrovius at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 11 09:58:16 CDT 2003

Hm ...

--- Otto <ottosell at yahoo.de> wrote:
> It is obvious that this war on drugs is just a fake

Whatever happend to the War on Drugs?  We couldn't
manage a two-front war alongside the War on Terrorism?
 Did we lose the War on Poverty?  Hm ...

> Brecht's "The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui" (1941)
> comes to mind:
> "Fascism is in the nature of capitalism and is born
> from capitalist property relations. This is,
> succinctly, the mechanism presented by the author
> for the coming to power of fascism."
> http://revolutionarydemocracy.org/rdv4n2/brecht.htm

There's something else from someone else out there
that's very similar, but I can't quite ...

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