pynchon-l-digest V2 #3847

David Christensen dchristensen at
Sun Apr 11 06:58:19 CDT 2004

"The USA thrives on cheap labor with the big added plus that the
groups in the URL are guaranteed to vote conservative.
I'm in no mood for this line of bait & switch after having
heard C. Rice in testimony this morning filibuster, deceive and
stall.  Without one word of apology this corporate slut is just
another political operative whose only suggestion to improve
security is to improve domestic surveillance" Previous post".

Now after all the historiography about the 60's which I see as a relicised
false utopian dystopia. A classic piece of Marx. Haha.

You gotta love the struggle and the superstructure. By the way I think
Pynchon would think that Marxism  is a quasi-religous sect with a flawed
belief system.
I mean in the face of even moderate post-structuralist thought is it all
reducible to capital?
 I mean its flaw is that it is boring.
I really think it as simple as that.
Marxism is dull, depressing and I think most pragmaticsts abhor the concept.
We have a time. A limited time.
You choose your theoretical weapons.

The state, capital, how they bend and twist-yet remain all
powerful----------but for whom. and how and how does it affect YOU.
 That is simply a more intersting task to ask the verb word than the
pathetic noun expanation.

Pynchon for me simply is a novelist who appreciates life in all its forms.
Class is obviously not a category that he uses. He I think is a voyeur on
the emotional state that our socio-economic environment produces. He  is
that synthesisof the socio-economic into a literature.

And I applaud him for that.

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