Has It Been 7 Years Already?/sloth-roping

Richard Romeo r.romeo at atlanticphilanthropies.org
Fri Apr 30 15:26:22 CDT 2004

Way back then it was Delillo (find him ponderous and painful to read now)

Cormac mccarthy (ditto)

Gaddis (a wonderful ride, but I think reading JR three times is enough)

Coover (read'em all-I should get a prize. Hypertext fiction is pretty embarrassing)

Banville (liked him a lot for a while-no longer an angry young men I suppose)

Vollmann (also into him for abit-the man brings cringes to my eyes now)

And lots of postmoderns/classics

I find it all uninspiring now (don't regret reading'em tho)-think I sucked up all I could 


Reading mostly non-fiction nowadays. Most Fiction is pretty pedestrian (cheaply nihilistic, ultra-cool, short, brutish, naïve, lame, oblivious, obvious, navel-gazing, distant, academic, ...usw...) I feel now. 


Not that I can suggest what must be done-maybe I'm just full of sloth


Lot more interesting what's happening outside than in any fiction writer's imagination 


(except Pynchon of course ;), 


Gidde up



-----Original Message-----
From: Elainemmbell at aol.com [mailto:Elainemmbell at aol.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 4:04 PM
To: Richard Romeo; pynchon-l at waste.org
Subject: Re: Has It Been 7 Years Already?


what were you (plural) reading Way Back Then? I only met you during last year's MD wrapup. I gave my 16-year-old Vineland for Christmas and she thinks "this author's like Tom Robbins off dope"


Elaine M.M. Bell, Writer

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