VLVL2 (15): Hard, Soft, and Helpless
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 30 16:04:27 CDT 2004
"'You'd love it in the joint, Prair, 'cz that's
exactly what the girls are into, 's that hookin' up
together in threes, one's the Mommy, one's the Daddy,
and one's the little child--hard, soft, and helpless.
I figure, what's the difference, bein' in a family out
here, or being in the joint?'" (VL, Ch. 15, p. 330)
Appropo of nothing ...
"You'd love it in the joint"
Watch out for some of these ...
"hookin' up together in threes"
"hard, soft, and helpless"
Mommy = hard
Daddy = soft
little child = helpless
At least by strict parallelism, they do ...
"what's the difference"
Donzelot, Jacques. The Policing of Families.
Trans. Robert Hurley. Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hokins UP, 1997.
In The Policing of Families, Jacques Donzelot, a
student and colleague of Michel Foucault, offers an
account of public intervention in the regulation of
family affairs since the eighteenth century, showing
how this intervention effected radical changes in the
structure of what had traditionally been a private
domain. Treating the family as a focal point of
multiple social practices and discourses, Donzelot
examines the role of philanthropy, social work,
compulsory mass education, and psychiatry in the
control of family life and describes the
transformation of mothers into agents of the state.
Donzelot also provides a critique of Marxist,
psychoanalytic, and feminist conceptions of the family
and shows how the policies of the state and the
professions molded working-class and middle-class
families in quite different ways.
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