NP Michael Moore

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Mon Jul 12 14:03:57 CDT 2004

Bush lied.  Bush's underlings lied.  Media outlets,
citizens, non-citizens, all enabled him/them to do so.
 People who otherwise not have died in the ensuing
military actions died, are dying, and will no doubt
continue to die.  As others surely would have in Iraq
under Saddam Hussein.  But we didn't elect Saddam
Hussein.  Nor, for that matter, did we Geo. W. Bush. 
Aagin, if only certain interested parties would
question Bush et cie. the way they do Moore ...

--- jbor <jbor at> wrote:
> Perhaps there's something in the index of logical
> fallacies which can explain the doublethink behind
> the argument which on the one hand admits that
> Moore does pump out propaganda and deceit --
> excusing it on the basis that it's all only a
> jolly "satire" after all -- and at the same time
> demands that that same propaganda and deceit be
> given credence as reliable political critique in
> the context of the forthcoming U.S. election.

Do you support the actions of the Bush Admin. vis a
vis Irag, Robert?  For any of the various "logical
fallacies" and points of "propaganda" that our govt.
has offered, in perhaps logically fallacious
succession?  On the other hand, do I really care? 
Probably not, but maybe it's time you came clean on
such matters.  But you didn't vote for Bush any more
than I did, that's for sure.  I can't say I've noticed
Australian casualities suffered amongst Mr. Bush's
"Coalition of the Willing."  And so forth ...

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