NP Michael Moore

jbor jbor at
Mon Jul 12 23:59:20 CDT 2004

Summing up, then:

1. Moore's film apparently doesn't stand up to scrutiny. As no litigation
has been forthcoming from Moore against Dave Kopel, or Hitchens or Paul
Sheehan for that matter, it seems it can be assumed that their criticisms
must be accurate. 

2. Some of Moore's supporters will argue that propaganda and deceit are
entirely legitimate modes of public and political discourse (only so long as
it's propaganda and deceit which confirms their biases and aims, of course).

3. Not all critics of Moore are Bush-supporters, in exactly the same way
that not all critics of Bush are Saddam or Al Qaeda-supporters. As well as
being a logical fallacy, that type of either/or argumentation shows up the
selective moral absolutism and double standards which are so very typical of
zealots and fundamentalists of *all* political stripes.


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