Dave Monroe
monropolitan at
Mon Jul 12 16:20:36 CDT 2004
As always, I advise, Pynchon, or as close as possible
to him. The Education of Henry Adams, Warlock (how
available is that to everyone here? I have a copy--i
storage ...), Life aaginst Death, something that's an
acknowledged to avowed influence, maybe. But as some
of you have already struck up some conversation on
"MMV," why not get taht going in earnest, at least
while we puzzle out what more extensive work to take
up next? Or while we bicker about a film maybe some
of us haven't yet had the opportunity even to see?
Esp. before they go off on it. But there are those
introductions as well ...
But, jeez, I haven't been keeping up here ...
--- joeallonby <vze422fs at> wrote:
> I haven't read the Dick novel. His stuff tends to
> "read fast" so it might be a good choice for a quick
> summer discussion.
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