[jgb] hitting yoiur head with a baseball bat

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 23 13:40:18 CDT 2004

Wise guy.  I gots one o' those as well.  Omaha Public
School System surplus ca. 1959.  In the interest of
full discolsure, I also have a table, a bookshelf, an
alarm clock, a couple of pillows plus sheets,
comforter, et al., maybe a towel or two,
toothbrush/paste, shampoo, disposable razors, shaving
craem, very likely toilet paper One would hope),
various unopened CDs (no player), various unopened
pieces of mail, a whole lotta record-fitting boxes,
milkcrates, cardboard boxes, comic books, magazines, a
sake set, a fondue set (unsused, replete with
unwrapped Sterno can) I presume my parents got as a
wedding present or somesuch, the Zippo and money clip
i got for teh past couple of Mod weekenders,
prints/paintings by various friends (not yet hung, or,
in some cases, even framed/matted), pens in various
states of functionality, ditto chapsticks, various and
sundry cards (ID, credit, et al.), various and sundry
coffee mugs (James T. Kirk, Portishead, J.R.R.
Tolkien, Boba Fett, They Might Be Giants, Vulcan
Science Academy), and various and sundry knick-knacks
up to and including a Linc from "Mod Squad" "Hippie
Cop" trading card in plastic case, various other cards
(Wayne Barlowe, Jack Kirby, "The Avengers" [UK TV
series, not Marvel comic book], Dune and "Yo! MYV
Raps"), a visible ant model (I got it at a clear ant
sale--"you're only nuying it so you can say that,"
said the salesgirl), some sand paintings (or whatver,
layers of colored sand in small glass containers) I
did sometime ca. 6th grade, and a fiber optic bonsai
tree (gift).  Plus other stray crap.   Ithink i
finished off the twelve pack of Hamm's ("from the land
of sky blue waters, Hamm's the beer refresshing,
Hamm's ..." gift of, er, "friend" who gave me a lift
back from the library then made me watch Blue Crush
[already saw] whilst going on about modern dance et
al.--okay, there's a refrigerator + stove + ... but
hell if I use 'em, I only go "home" to srop stuff off,
pick stuff uip, pass out, wake up and shower, so ...).
 Everything else is in storage ...

--- "Joseph S. Barrera III" <joe at barrera.org> wrote:
> You should get a record player as well.

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