[NP] Hollander

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 25 09:41:58 CDT 2004

The Dude doesn't use pseudonyms or proxies, period. 
I, among others, post his stuff when it's relevant, or
when it's just gone on line.  Otherwise, he's made
various comments regarding the List and its various
members, and, from what I hear back here, those seem
fairly consistent.  Certainly, no one's ever said he
doesn't have his own quirks, but ... 

But I'm guessing Hollander hasn't written Robert much
of anything for a while.  What I every so often point
out here is when and how Robt. carries on his ...
vendetta? grudge, at any rate, against Hollander. 
Again, The Dude doesn't have, much less use, proxies,
but he gets sniped at here via the odd (in several
senses) swipes Robert in particular takes at those
(posters, posts) he (mis)takes as being such ...

Again, no one's ever said his various essays don't
have their own faults, either--and that includes
Hollander himself--but he's done some decent work,
esp. some excellent basic research (the backbone of
any intellectual venture, I'd venture) and continues
to do so (keep in mind, Kai, that last paper was
stripped down to be presented, with attendant Q&A, in
something like the half hour or so allotted to any
given offering at the Malta PynchCon or whatever) ...

You guys wanna do something p-roductive?  Offer Chas.
some constructive, or even deconstructive, criticism,
or, rather, critique, so'd he can polish the tarnish
off that subsurface treasure trove of his and maybe
get it into book form, even, where it'll survive both
its disaporic scattering amongst academic publications

the eventual ravages of software upgrades and/or some
hopefully, er, evitable EMP.  Not enough enabling
here.  We should be here to help ...

--- lorentzen-nicklaus
<lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de> wrote:
> "jbor" <jbor at bigpond.com> schrieb:
> > Btw, Chuck told me on a couple of occasions that
> > he doesn't post to the list, or that he does so
> > only through pseudonyms and proxies, because he
> > believes that someone of his stature would
> > intimidate other posters.
> Me he told that he doesn't post here anymore 
> because you and Ghetta "gave him the paws".
> Both 'explanations' are, of course, horseshit.
> I mean, no pain: no game, and that 'Pynchon as
> Dante' draft was not exactly intimidating ...

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