re. Re: [NP] Hollander

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Mon Jul 26 11:33:00 CDT 2004

Tim Strzechowski >Dösbaddel at> schrieb:

> Hollander is/was just sick and tired of 
> persnicketty assholes who shut down a discussion rather than 
> foster one.

Actually it's the other way round. From all the 
close-minded intellectuals I've met in my life
(and there are dozens!) Hollander is the guy who's
topping them all ... When he sent to me his articles
we started an offlist discussion which simply faded
out after 3 months because he couldn't take ANY (I repeat
this: ANY) critical argument.He even wanted to explain
German post-war history to me with the help of conspiracy theories ... Thing is the guy has a daughter yet no son, 
so he collects all these father-seeking youngsters (Yep,
that's how he got me hooked, too) to have a little
compensation. Some of his ideas are not bad. But he knows
neither enough theory nor can he write, so none of his
articles reaches the status of serious scholarship à la
Eddins, McHale or Tanner. And that Dante piece ...  

Will the real Hollander-enthusiast please stand up?!



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