Rainbow & Parabola
Mike Weaver
mikeweaver at gn.apc.org
Thu Jul 29 05:33:44 CDT 2004
Rainbows are produced by the deflection of light by raindrops, the position
of the rainbow is unique for every observer.
The light is revealed as a continuum of colours.
Gravity is a measure of the seriousness of phenomena. Gravity's rainbow
is the range of perspectives from earth-shattering to mote movingly
trivial, the refraction of experience by the gravity of each event.
The hidden part of the circle/next arc of the sine wave is levity's rainbow.
We each have our own perspectives though these too can be arranged in
spectra, more rainbows. Rainbows abounding.
Think of the rainbows seen in smears of oil.
As Lord Buckley said, humour is the oil of the soul.
Mindless Pleasures --> Levity's Rainbow <-- Gravity's Rainbow.
The real title is revealed.
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