Ash Wednesday

joeallonby vze422fs at
Mon Mar 1 22:19:15 CST 2004

In another forum, I recently stated that discussing politics with musicians
was akin to asking Carl Everett for his opinions on paleontology and
astrophysics. They didn't get it.

Whatever happened to Stan Papi? Bill Lee still pops up every now and again.
The only pitcher who can claim to be more colorful might just be Doc Ellis,
who has also been discussed on this list.

There is something about the Red Sox that inspires lofty literary prose.
Maybe it's the awe-inspiring futility. But on April 9th, I will nail another
Red Sox cap to my wall and head on down to Fenway to buy its successor. Doc
Ellis should have pitched that insane psychedelic no-hitter for the Sox. I
may be a godless heathen, but the Red Sox are a weird religion of their own.
We sox fans are the Shiites of the secular world. The false caliph Frazee
sold our Messiah to the Infidels down the road for filthy lucre. The world
has been upside down ever since. I know otherwise reasonable people who will
argue that the demise of Boston as North America's premiere seaport can be
traced to the financing of the Broadway production of "No, No, Nanette" by
the dismantling of the world champions and the sale of Babe Ruth as if he
were just another stud bull.

Damn the Evil Empire. Satan laughing spreads his wings next to the Deegan
Expressway. Route 85 is truly the Highway to Hell.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program. Carry on.


on 3/1/04 5:55 PM, cfalbert at calbert at wrote:

> In the interest of context:
> Carl Everett believes the moon landing was a hoax....
> that dinosaurs are a conspiracy
> and gets in the face of those who cross him - literally...
> for a few brief shining moments he brought color to the Red Sox (figuratively)
> missing since the Gerbil shipped the second best left hander
> in the team's history (coincidentally Scrubby's bong buddy) to the Montreal
> Expos for Stan Papi.......
> love,
> cfa
> At 01:34 PM 2/27/04, you wrote:
>> on 2/27/04 12:48 PM, Malignd at malignd at wrote:
>>> <<But heaven forbid that two adults of the same sex
>>> might want their committed relationship validated.
>>> That would offend God.>>
>>> Among the many merry things about religion are ideas
>>> such as this, that "God" indulges such emotions as
>>> taking offense (one big offense taking!).
>>> "This homo marriage business OFFENDS ME!  It goes
>>> against my sense of WHAT'S APPROPRIATE!"
>>> So sayeth the Lord (who takes offense if you don't use
>>> a capital L).
>>> One assumes, I gather, He finds walking around with
>>> soot on one's face appropriate.
>> I'm amused by the professional athletes who constantly invoke The Lord when
>> commenting on their own performance. Of course, God plans his day around
>> Carl Everett's at-bats.


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